How to make presentations interactive

Ekaa Pitch
3 min readSep 3, 2021

The most important thing in any presentation ppt is to keep your audience motivated and engaged. After all, this isn’t the time when you can afford to lose your audience. While a standard pitch deck presentation is just that, a presentation involving interactivity may use the audience to further its goals. An interactive presentation doesn’t mean you just take a regular presentation and add technology. You still need to make sure people are getting the information they want from it. Some of the tips to make it interactive are :

1. Narrating a story :

You’ve outlined a brilliant business plan, secured funding, and we’re ready for launch. Now, all you need is a storyteller who can get your idea to the audience. An expressive voice and eye contact are important to engage the listeners. To be a strong speaker with a good grasp of the subject, you should be able to explain ideas and illustrate your points clearly and convincingly. The startup pitch deck needs to include a story that keeps the audience interested in your idea and business.

2. Including Jokes :

A serious tone is not always the best option. Think about adding an element of fun or humour into your script to keep it interesting, surprising, and engaging. The pitch deck presentation should contain humour and jokes that would make the presentation attractive and unique for the audience. It’s proven that humour makes us more effective and memorable by increasing our ability to process information, reducing anxiety, and giving us a positive memory of the experience.

3. Keeping it simple :

Presentations should have a clear and structured organization. This allows the audience to easily follow your ideas and be more engaged in your speech. The startup pitch deck should be designed specifically for the audience. It should have a mix of text, images and videos that will help you learn what you need to improve your business. Presentations that have too much information will create a huge challenge for both the presenter and for the audience.

4. Go for Feedback :

Controlling the flow for Q&A is an essential skill for every good speaker. Asking only about concrete questions helps to turn your presentation into a discussion, instead of turning it into a monologue. This is often the main reason why people tend to skip the Q&A session altogether. Many speakers find it difficult to stop talking even when there is no more content left to share. Feedback in the presentation ppt is essential for the audience.

5. Embed Videos and Pictures :

If you want to make a good presentation, the first thing to do is change your mindset from ‘what will I say to ‘how will I teach.’ The Pitch deck needs to include videos and images so that the audience can have a better understanding of it. The concept is simple: give a short talk about anything like a great idea, a piece of research, a business plan and put it on the internet with pictures and videos.

6. Better software :

In the presentation world, there are at least two major players: Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote. Neither of them is bad in its own right, but they are more or less the same. Everyone uses them for business presentations and regular conferences or training sessions. A startup pitch deck should be made through this software as it allows the audience to get a better insight into the business.

The art of giving a great presentation ppt is very tricky, as it involves working with visuals, connecting with the audience, and speaking in a way that keeps them engaged. The following tips will prove useful for learning how to give a memorable presentation. However, creating interesting pitch-fest presentations can help you persuade your audience and make them remember you as the best speaker.

